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Services sur mesure

MiMA is your dedicated electric forklift partner. We offer extensive project customization and continuous innovation, including
narrow aisle, heavy-duty, and AGV forklifts.

Get the Electric Forklift That Works the Way You Do

Customization options include:


Personnalisation des chariots élévateurs

You can select the color of the forklift body, logo, and even modify the design of certain exterior parts.


Personnalisation complète à partir de zéro

Although less common, MiMA can also cater to specific your requirements by developing a forklift from the ground up.


Personnalisations fonctionnelles

Tailoring the forklift's lifting height, load capacity, and attachments according to the usage requirements.


Personnalisations pour les occasions spéciales

To meet the needs of special usage environments, MiMA provides customizations for cold storage vehicles, explosion-proof vehicles, AGV forklifts, and various specialized attachments.


Développement de nouveaux produits

In response to the diverse warehouse environments and specific customer goods requirements, MiMA continuously innovates new forklift models.


Réglages des paramètres de performance

MiMA is capable of adjusting the performance parameters of existing forklift models to meet more specific usage requirements.


Modifications des accessoires

Including but not limited to modifications of the forklift cab (e.g., from open to closed) and lighting design changes.

Custom Material Handling Solutions for
Your Unique Needs

Du défi à la solution : Les projets de chariots élévateurs à fourche sur mesure de MiMA

Découvrez comment la personnalisation a stimulé l'efficacité et la productivité de nos clients.

Industrie des moules

Industrie des équipements électromécaniques

Industrie de l'emballage flexible


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