
多くの多方向モデルがある中で、顧客はどのように選択すべきか?長尺物用MiMAフォークリフトで成功した1年!MiMAフォークリフトには、ナローボディ・マルチディレクショナル(立ち作業用)、ワイドボディ・マルチディレクショナル(着座作業用、立ち作業用もあり)など、さまざまな多方向作業機があります。では、なぜこれほど多くの異なるモデルを調査しているのでしょうか?1,異なる積載量、残存能力に対する異なるプレゼンテーション。2,異なるサイズの材料を扱うため。3,異なる狭い作業通路のため。4,異なる利用レベルのための異なる構成。 あなたの会社のためのMQCシリーズを探求してください。 2.5トンから5トンまでの積載量で、15メートルまでの長い材料を扱うのに信頼できます。側 [...]...
MiMA電動フォークリフト アフターメンテナンスのコツ:日常点検

Daily inspections of electric forklifts are crucial to ensuring safe operation. This procedure must be strictly followed before starting the vehicle each day. In environments with shift-based work, a full and thorough inspection must be carried out before the start of each shift. Never operate a forklift that has not been inspected or is found to have defects. If any safety hazards are found during a shift change, immediately stop the forklift and report the issue so that timely action can be taken. MiMA Electric Forklift Inspection Steps Pre-Power-On Visual Inspection Before turning on the power, the MiMA electric forklift needs to undergo several checks:First, inspect the appearance […]

If you’re looking for warehouse handling and stacking equipment to optimize your storage space, the MiMA VNA forklift can help you maximize storage capacity without adding land costs. Or you want to move goods in your warehouse faster to optimize your efficiency. Electric very narrow aisle forklifts can do it all. Electric VNA(very narrow aisle) forklifts are helping more and more warehouses increase storage capacity and efficiency between tight spaces while maintaining or even improving safety and productivity. They have been specifically designed for this ultra-narrow working environment and offer many benefits over regular forklifts.In this article, we will talk about the definition, benefits, types, and other essential features of electric […]